
Pollution, Pandemics, and Polarized Weather


According to the UN, Climate Change is defined as: “Long term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800’s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.”

Rising emissions fueling rising temperatures create a perfect storm of weather volatility, the effects of which are clearly seen in rampant flooding, temperature instability, and widespread infectious disease. Weather extremes impact soil changes, air quality, deforestation, and drought, all of which further impact housing and health. How is Climate Change currently affecting your home?

Adapting to the needs of our home to protect our family and investment means guarding and protecting what is within our control in a climate which may make us feel otherwise. A house is only as good as its foundation. It’s time to throw away the throw-away-mentality. With rising costs of building materials and housing, a shift in perspective may be what is needed to help your house remain your home.

Rising housing costs include high demand of building materials, rising mortgage rates and insurance rates. These negative impacts have led to positive strategized construction methods including Green Design, with a keen eye on improving structures having long-term integrity and positive impact ecologically. Further, weather extremes cause imminent damage to one’s health and property which can also effectively be counteracted with knowledge of said effects.

  • Soil changes from drought to flooding extremes cause shifts in foundations due to settling soil.
  • High winds can damage roof and siding materials in need of repair.
  • Burst pipes often result from dramatic drop of temperature, especially when sustained by frigid winds.
  • Poor indoor air quality often leaches in from structural damage which leads to radon, mildew, mold, and fungus in ventilation. WHO (World Health Organization) reports “an estimated 7 million people die annually from breathing bad air.”

What You Can Do About It

Knowledge is power, so rather than feel defeated by Climate Change, empower yourself to manage what is in your control.

  • Be proactive to secure your home’s foundation. Act quickly to repair any cracks in foundation or walls.
  • Keep your roof, siding, and windows in good repair. This will protect your home from the elements, limiting loss of heating/cooling, and maintain clean air.
  • Maintain clean gutters; keep in good repair. Make sure they drain properly, keeping water away from home’s foundation. Even a small clog can mean a big problem when a sudden heavy rain occurs.

How Grime Fighters Can Help You

Power Washing, Window Cleaning, and Gutter Cleaning are at once preventative and proactive, as they protect your home from extremes which can lead to disease and deterioration, also keeping a keen eye on areas which may be more vulnerable or weakened, such as:

  • An emerging crack in settling foundation or walls.
  • Faulty Guttering.
  • Windows without a tight seal will leak air and moisture, often seen as fogging.
  • External mold, fungus, or mildew which can leach into your home.

All of these factors lead to possible health problems and home repairs which can quickly snowball when under extreme stress.

Rely on Grime Fighters to provide a positive effect on your home. A clean home is a healthy home.



Near-sapphire skies drenched with sunlight, tempered by soft breezes convey that unmistakable smoky-sweet aroma heralding the ‘Official-Unofficial’ start of summer: Grilling Season.

You’ve regarded your springtime maintenance of House Washing and Window Cleaning. Now its time to focus on what really matters: family, friends, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.

Grilling has all the low-key vibes that we love about Spring and Summer… the laid back itinerary coupled with the relaxed menu. Sun-filled afternoons set into twinkle-lit evenings. And whether your party dines pool-side, porch, or patio, one thing is commonly forgotten in cookout preparation. Grilling Safety.

Firstly, whatever type of grill you have, it is important to know how to safely operate your grill. Grill fires account for 10,600 fires annually, according to NFPA. These are almost entirely preventable. But there are other hazards associated with grilling season that may be overlooked or ignored. Here’s a helpful list of prevention and safety reminders, ensuring the only thing to dampen your dinner will be the weather.


  1. Grill Operation: Each grill is unique and has specific operation requirements. Know the hazards of lighting/igniting and keeping the heat/fire steady.
  2. Propane: Beware of propane leaks. Always follow your grill’s instruction manual on properly igniting and maintaining. A buildup of gas can lead to explosion.
  3. Distance: Keep your grill away from your home, garage, trees, shrubs, and anything flammable.
  4. Damage to your home: Leaving a grill unattended can quickly lead to a hazardous situation, especially if proper distance is not observed.
  5. People: A relaxed atmosphere may loosen the normal attentiveness to caution and safety. Hot grills, Hot tools, and Hot coals can all lead to injury of those unaware of their surroundings.
  6. Drinking: In short, drinking while grilling can lead to accidents. Unwind Responsibly.
  7. Inhaling Smoke: Grill smoke vapors include Carbon Monoxide and PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons), AKA, stuff you don’t want in your lungs, which can lead to a host of serious health issues with repeated exposure.
  8. Sanitation: Cleanliness of your grill and grill tools ensures you won’t be ingesting harmful substances like bacteria, or last week’s blackened chicken.
  9. Bad Bristles: Grill tools that are weak or shed bristles are in need of replacement. Bristle breakage can cause injuries to hands or worse, be ingested through your food. A real hazard is posed by metal bristles, which, if swallowed, mean a trip to the ER!
  10. Bacteria: Bacteria lives up to 165 degrees Fahrenheit, so be sure to keep uncooked foods refrigerated until ready to cook. Refrigerate cooked leftovers immediately. If you’ve ever had food poisoning, this one’s a no-brainer.

Our house opens Grilling Season with a celebratory Surf & Turf staycation day, shared with dearest friends. While it’s a no-holds-barred food fest, we also appreciate the beauty in simplicity. Here’s a 5 STAR rated recipe on ‘How to Grill the Best Steak’, with tips from Steven Raichlen, Master of Barbecue.

May your grilling be great!… and safe!

Damage Control

HOME HAZARDS: Preventing Damage Exploited by Services.

Damage Control is defined as: Action taken to limit the damaging effects of an accident or error. In this context, we are referencing the control of potential damage by the homeowner. Of what kind of hazards should the homeowner be aware? And how can damage be avoided altogether?



  • Loose Shingles and Roof Damage. Cleaning a roof in disrepair can lead to Roof Rot, as well as interior mildew and mold growth.
  • Non-functioning (full, broken, unsecure) Gutters. Roof solution leaks lead to damaged landscaping. Grime Fighters reclaims ALL of our roof solution. Damaged gutters inhibit or prevent this process.


  • Gaps. Where siding is not properly overlapped, Powerwash solution can leak behind these areas.
  • Waterproof Outlet Covers. Deteriorating gaskets no longer seal the cover, protecting it from water. Outlet covers in disrepair can cause electrical damage.


  • Loose or Broken Concrete/Sidewalks. Deterioration or cracks can be accentuated by Flat Surface Cleaning.


  • Broken Seals/Gaskets cause leaking into windowsills and walls.
  • Damaged glass can create fogging.
  • Brittle screens may not hold up to cleaning, and could even become a safety hazard to technicians.


According to the website, there are “5 Rules for Damage Control.”

  1. TELL THE TRUTH. “…if you don’t tell the truth, you’ll lose credibility…”
  2. TELL IT FIRST. “If you don’t, someone else will.”
  3. TELL IT ALL. “The more you can tell of your story, the more you’ll control it.”
  4. TELL IT FAST. “The world moves at the speed of Twitter…to protect your reputation, you must move with it.”
  5. TELL IT TO THE PEOPLE WHO MATTER MOST. “A person…should care most about the people who really care.”

In short, if you are aware of any neglect or damage to your home, honesty is the best policy. Better still, would be to TAKE ACTION and address an area of neglect or damage BEFORE scheduling a service. This gives the homeowner peace of mind by doing their part, giving a service company peace of mind, so they can do theirs.

As a last resort, our Grime Fighter Technicians are trained to recognize and point out these areas of potential hazard prior to the service. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to have the house in good repair before we come. As listed in Grime Fighters Terms & Conditions, we are NOT RESPONSIBLE for any damage to the home due to disrepair. Our 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE comes from within the quality of our work, not damage from neglect.

Grime Fighters takes great care when it comes to your home. When kindness is coupled with honesty, it reaps a far better outcome for all.


“Time is Money”…

Spring has arrived and outdoor maintenance is in full swing. Budding plants and trees renew our spirit with eagerness to clean and beautify our homes. With so many things to be done, each homeowner decides which tasks to do themselves, and which to hire out to a professional. Keenly anticipating outdoor cookouts and gatherings after what feels like the longest two years spent isolating, we may think that it would be most efficient to schedule all such work at once. To a homeowner, it would seem ideal to have everything done in one day, so that tasks do not linger, or go undone. However, it is exactly this “efficiency” which actually proves contradictory, counterproductive, costly, and in many cases, unsafe. Why the problem?

Landscapers, Painters, and House Cleaners do not mix with Pressure Washing and Window Cleaning Services.

Most professional services use large trucks from which they obtain their equipment. Some of this equipment requires long hoses which must be reeled out onto your property, proving a trip hazard. Many professionals use long ladders which must be carefully carried so as not to prove a hazard to other humans, plants, or property. Solvents may be used which may be harmful to new landscaping, or be hazardous to other workers. Heavy trucks may roll over hoses of other companies, causing damage or breakage, costing time and money. In many areas, parking multiple professional service vehicles presents a logistic problem, preventing work to be done. Not to mention the fact that it is counterproductive to schedule moisture (humidity) creating jobs with jobs which require dry conditions, such as mulching and painting. Also, there is the matter of safety, not just in the amount of people working on or in your home, many of which will be focused on their own work, not on the potential hazards around them, including COVID.

From a homeowner’s perspective, this may all seem very convenient, to have a ‘one and done’ mentality. However, it is not convenient for ANYONE, especially the homeowner, when jobs must be rescheduled due to conflict of time, space, efficiency, or safety, or worse still, to be cancelled altogether. All it takes is a little consideration and communication so that each homeowner’s needs may be met in a safe and efficient manner.

Very often, when these principles are ignored, the homeowner is the one who loses out, being unable to be rescheduled in a timely fashion. It is also frustrating for workers, attempting to do their job, having to spend many hours negotiating between the homeowner and the other contractors, instead of efficiently working. This costs companies time and money, when such could be avoided by honest disclosure from the homeowner.

What can you do?

Benjamin Franklin said, “Time is Money”. At Grime Fighters, we respect both your time and your money. We appreciate when our customers reciprocate that respect. When scheduling your Pressure Washing and Window Cleaning Services, it is important to communicate with our Office Manager what other services you may have scheduled the same day, and what time frame they will occupy. This positive, pro-active communication enables us to meet your needs and dynamically function so as to build a stronger community relationship.

The Grime Fighter Team looks forward to rejuvenating your home this Spring!

Top 5 Reasons to Power Wash in Spring and Who Should Do It

Spring’s imminent arrival beckons us to begin anew. We eagerly clean and prepare to welcome longer days and warmer breezes into our home. It is therefore crucial that we also properly clean the exterior of our homes during this season of transition.

Weather extremes have certainly contributed to a significantly volatile season. And not to be ignored is the effect on our homes. Abundant moisture and humidity create a breeding ground for algae, mold, and mildew. Strong winds are not only destructive to your home’s exterior, they also carry debris to areas of moisture which becomes food for mold and algae. Furthermore, dirt and debris have lodged themselves in the cracks, corners, and crevices of your home’s exterior. Fluctuating temperatures forcing freeze and thaw cycles wreak havoc on salted, flat surfaces. Decks and patios covered in winter’s slime create hazardous pathways. Gutters forced beyond capacity by heavy moisture, weakened by strong winds, can become destructive to your roof and siding. These factors are even more probable if your home was not winterized last Autumn, in preparation of Winter’s wet weather and decreased sunlight, which only increase the likelihood of growing grime.


  • INVITE. (The guests you don’t want.) Your home could be extending an invitation for destructive organisms.
  • INSPECT. An excellent time and opportunity to check your home’s exterior for potential damage, before it becomes structural damage.
  • IDEAL. Milder weather and temperatures along with extended daylight, provide an ideal time for power washing.
  • IRRITANTS. Spring allergens (pollen, dust, and dirt) are at their highest levels. House washing, flat surface cleaning, and window cleaning will keep these allergens where they belong.
  • INVIGORATE. Earth springs back to life and we do, too. Take advantage of the longer days to lift your spirits and breathe life back into your home. Make your home your haven.

There is no shortage of task lists and outdoor projects in Spring. In fact, it is synonymous with the season. Rather than feeling overwhelmed with Spring Cleaning, rely on the professionals to help get the job done.

Here’s why Grime Fighters has the edge over your D.I.Y.

  • TOOLS, TRAINING, TECHNIQUE. There are different solutions and treatments for different jobs. Your siding requires a different psi than your sidewalk. Whether it is slimy siding or spot-free windows, our team is trained to understand and provide your home’s unique needs so you don’t have to spend your Saturday stuck in a learning curve.
  • SAFETY, HONESTY, TRUSTWORTHINESS. Safety and Honesty are the hallmarks of everything we do at Grime Fighters. That means our team acts safely, honestly, and professionally AT ALL TIMES. Taking care of your home is not just our job, it’s part of our community responsibility. Great care is taken in scheduling and executing work so as to build trust with our neighbours, whether in our local Lehigh Valley, or neighboring Bucks and Montgomery Counties.

At Grime Fighters, your needs come first. You don’t trust just anyone to clean and protect your home. Whether you need to clean your sidewalk, deck, patio, siding, windows, or gutters, trust Grime Fighters to revive your home this Spring.

Planting Community Seeds…

“You cannot stop the death that comes in the winter nor the life that comes with the summer. You can contribute your intelligence and will to the intelligence and movement of a dynamic larger than you. You can plant the seed that will sprout in the spring. You can lay the foundation for a different winter to come after the summer that has yet to arrive. You can only do this for yourself.” -Gary Zukav

We readily acknowledge that we cannot control the dynamic of the changing seasons… how autumn softly lulls us into the sleep of winter. But we also acknowledge the dynamic of being a part of something bigger than us as individuals. At Grime Fighters, we recognize that we are part of a whole. Without our loyal customers, we could not contribute our intelligence and will into the dynamic of our community. And just as the seasons change, our customers’ needs change.

While freezing temperatures may temporarily limit the amount and type of work we do, we by no means stop working. During Winter, Grime Fighters is still working behind the scenes to provide for you, our customer, with improved quality and effort. This is an ideal time for us to ‘plant the seed’ for Spring, making repairs and improvements on our Rig and Equipment, utilizing our maintenance portal, to provide a systematic check for parts, readying our team for Spring.

As we approach the slow season of January, February, and March, we will have reduced cleanings. All outdoor work is weather and temperature dependent, working only above 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, bookings are made only one week in advance.

Work that can be scheduled during this time:



HOUSE WASH *above 37F



All Exterior Window Cleaning and Roof Cleaning will be postponed to Spring.

We wish to thank our community for a successful 2021 season! Thank you for your patience and persistence in these challenging times. We look forward to continuing our dynamic relationship together, improving and contributing to a better, cleaner community.

New Beginnings

Welcome to the new GRIME FIGHTERS blog! Join us as we endeavour to impart useful, informative material to our community.

We are very excited to announce that we are now serving MONTGOMERY AND BUCKS counties, as well as THE LEHIGH VALLEY. This includes 309, 202, and 611 including the surrounding areas of Quakertown, Perkasie, Sellersville, Telford, Souderton, Hatfield, North Wales, Montgomeryville, Lansdale, Chalfont, New Britain, Doylestown, Fountainville, Plumsteadville, Dublin, Nockamixon, and more!

As a welcome for our NEW CUSTOMERS from these areas, we would like to offer a 10% DISCOUNT off of ALL SERVICES for 2021. If you’ve been postponing work on your home, this is the perfect opportunity to tick that box at a special savings. Grime Fighters is a well-established community business, serving the LEHIGH VALLEY for OVER 10 YEARS.

Our Services include:








We hope you will consider joining us as our company grows and expands. We look forward to creating and maintaining new relationships with Homeowners, Small Businesses, and Associations.